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I'm not gonna share my specific opinions on this, but this person is right - Valve didn't really force a monopoly.

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They created a platform that to a lot of people, was preferable to jack-sparrowing games.ĭisclaimer: I'm a Steamworks developer, although I haven't released a game on the platform since 2016, but Valve has always been good to work with so I'm obviously biased towards them in some sense, but I don't think that makes what I'm gonna say any less objectively true. Steam never forced any developers to be on their store.Īnd games can still be sold on other sites that you can download from there.Ī launcher that managed all your games, or most of them. I am against Epic paying money to publishers to force me to use their launcher. Ideally, all games should be available in every store at the same time. Originally posted by Pua:Where do all these people come from? Hating Steam and using Steam forums.Īnyway, I am not against Epic.

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